History of Hyrule

The History of Hyrule as it stands in the Hyrule Castle role play stays true to the world of Zelda, however, it is also unique and free standing from the series. This means we do not fit into any sort of timeline or any Hyrule of the games, but exist in our own creation entirely. There is still a Ganon, a Princess Zelda, Link, Hyrule Castle-Town, and all of the races of Hyrule, but the history and story are original and unique. Below you will find links to the history of Hyrule Castle's Hyrule, there are some sections that are crucial to understanding the state and culture of Hyrule, and others that are merely for entertainment and furthering the understanding of the lore of Hyrule.

Below the History will be broken up into two sections, mandatory reads, and optional reads (the optional reads have yet to be released.)

A Sumarization of Present Day Hyrule

These pieces of history are a summary of the important things to know before role playing in Hyrule Castle. Please take the time to read these if you have not done so.

